View Full Version : Defense vs Attack

May 8th, 2013, 08:17
As a Scout, my Aimed Shot skill increases my Attack score, while my Surprise Attack decreases my enemy's Defense score.

I know that increasing my Attack increases both my likelihood to hit and the damage done. Does decreasing my enemy's Defense score make it less likely that he'll be able to dodge/block my attack AND increase the damage he will take from the attack?

I realize that Surprise Attack lowers their Defense score by 30 points per 3 energy points used (a 1 for 1 exchange) and that Aimed Shot increases my Attack by 10 points per 2 energy points used (1 for 2 exchange). So, that gives Surprise Attack a much bigger numeric effect for the cost.

However, if Surprise Attack doesn't also increase the damage the enemy takes, then I'm going to ignore Surprise Attack in favor of Aimed Shot.

Anyone know how Surprise Attack works? Does it increase the damage they suffer?

May 10th, 2013, 13:40
These skills just increase your ATT score, or decrease opponent's DEF score, and they had not hidden side effects.

As you say, ATT score increase your chance to hit and damage dealt if you hit your opponent. And from last update on combat system, DEF score get just the opposite, decrease your opponent's hit chance, and decrease damage dealt on you when you've been hit. Both, hit chance and damage, are increased with attacker's ATT and decreases with target's DEF.

How much is the effect from ATT and DEF it's variable in every case and it's up to you to discover what is better in your case. Depending on the own scores, it may be better increase ATT or decrease DEF.

By the way the exchange rates for the skills are +5 ATT/SL and -10 DEF/SL, but the second one is harder to develop (in terms of skill points).

May 15th, 2013, 12:14
We just edited the behaviour of Surprise Attack skill. The defense reduction is only against your surprise attack, and not also against your companion's attack.