View Full Version : Vital Aura

June 18th, 2013, 12:25
Where I can see the effect of my brand new skill "Vital Aura"?. It did not appear anywhere during combat. Should I confide in you and believe that 30% is increasing my vitality and vitality of my colleagues party during the fight? :8)

June 19th, 2013, 03:48
In the last quest:
My initial vit: 1784
Total monsters damage: -460
My weapon drain vit: +20
My vit at the final of the quest: 1351
I don't understand how is working this. I have 30 point in the Vital Aura skill, this is a 30% more vit for me and all my party companions. Where is it?. How is working?

June 19th, 2013, 12:46
Similar topic question about cleric auras. Our main cleric dies , but our lower level cleric is still alive. We lose the main clerics auras and the lower level clerics auras don't take affect. Is this supposed to happen?

June 20th, 2013, 21:30
We didn't review deeptly the highest levels skills yet, as we stop our skills revision to work on the combat reports and the make the way for ambushes. We will review later this Vital Aura. Thank you for your reports. We are processing all them and they will be evnetually fixed.

About Stephen's question, when the higher cleric dies, the smaller cleric's aura come into play. Or it should. We will review. Thanks

Brother Cadfael
July 15th, 2013, 19:24
I can confirm the fact that when I die in combat, the party loses the benefits my auras (as they should) but they do NOT then gain the benefits from the other cleric in my party. Also, when/if the other cleric revives me, my auras are not reapplied.
It seems you calculate the auras at the beginning of combat and remove them when the cleric providing them dies, but do not recalculate at this point.
A better way to do it would be to calculate them at the start of each round according to who is alive in the party at that time.

July 16th, 2013, 17:42
I agree with this idea. When there are two Priest in the party and died on the high level, the other priest have his auras intact and it should affect the entire party. Like when a member died and the priest revive him, he has no more the auras of the priest

July 18th, 2013, 18:57
I can confirm the fact that when I die in combat, the party loses the benefits my auras (as they should) but they do NOT then gain the benefits from the other cleric in my party. Also, when/if the other cleric revives me, my auras are not reapplied.
It seems you calculate the auras at the beginning of combat and remove them when the cleric providing them dies, but do not recalculate at this point.
A better way to do it would be to calculate them at the start of each round according to who is alive in the party at that time.

You are right. This is how it was designed. There must be a fail in the implementation. We will fix this as soon as possible.