View Full Version : Demote

Anders Asp
July 17th, 2015, 15:03
Hi! I noticed a lot of players lacking in power compared to their rank ,why isn't the demote automatic?
It takes away all the meaning of the rank system.


July 22nd, 2015, 11:25
I've been wondering on this. See I sent a request to zab, my guildmaster, because I was having troubly gaining the needed power to promote. I don't have an endless list of facebook friends to abuse for the 2pts power daily, and despite being #15 in my guild for weekly exp (at this moment, it could change) I fail to attract new followers. I am wondering if I should keep promoting for the power, or stay at the lower rank in the hopes of attracting new players. I remain unconvinced this will work though, seeing as my current game followers were new players that quit, and I have been stuck with them and only them. by the fourth time I tried to recruit facebook friends it was obvious they do not want to join me in the game, and at least three have blocked requests from me/the game now. So I'm not really sure if there is something I can do better at all, or if I'm just stuck.

July 24th, 2015, 12:00
We already have players quitting because they can't get enough power to rank, I say keep it the way it is.

If anything should change it's an alternative way to rank or get power. Said alternative way to rank should be paying gold or even change the requirement to days played, it would keep players coming back, no one likes playing a game where you're punished for not being popular enough.

July 31st, 2015, 09:14
This would be disastrous, Asp. Already the discrepancy between non-paying and mid-level paying players can feel overwhelming for a lot of newer players. To take away any power gains players make to at least build skills is not a good idea. I agree with Woodlark. There should be alternate ways to build more power. Perhaps with other games.

Raistlin and I were speaking briefly the other night about there being parties of NCPs. These could be used to learn about ambushes and as ways to gain better gold and xp than a quest. We were speaking of how we thought Level 10 was too early to be entered into the ambush arena. I think Level 25, even 30 is better. Up until then, NCP parties (you could put on a roll who is in party, their power and skill levels to 'look' like real parties) would give players a lot longer to learn without perhaps getting a loss on their ambush stat. Also, it may keep more players playing if they are wanting to reach this certain milestone of the ambush arena.

Maybe with each achievement or milestone we reach, a player could be given 10 more power points, 25 more power points, 50 more power points, etc.

Also Alex, I think low-powered players would like a Skip. As in, for a certain amount of diamonds, you could SKIP the requirements that allow you to upgrade a skill. Like say for Scouts. How is a low-powered player that gets to level 80 ever be able to pay for Critical Shot? They never would be able to. So for 100 diamonds they could open it up to upgrade without paying for Aimed Shot, Surprise Attack and Cripple upgrades. If I wanted to Skip again for another skill, the charge would be 200 diamonds....something like that.

August 2nd, 2015, 20:55
think you meant NPC's Zab , ( Non Playing Characters)
like that idea , of having random parties running around for ambushes.
no idea if it is to do with coding of the game

:)ยก Thank you Galric. I would edit it but I do not mind looking silly.

August 2nd, 2015, 20:58
maybe a power gain on each gained achievement?
the ambushes are also in the achievements
and stolen items so that will be an extra push to gain achievements besides diamonds

That is what I meant. I think it is a good idea to give out a power bonus here, even if it is something smaller like 3 points for every one reached. It is important for lower-powered players gain a skill set ... at least while the ambush arena allows high-powered players to attack them (I think arena should remain as is).