View Full Version : Achievement days

December 9th, 2012, 11:20
I've got 7 days played more then my consecutive days played, but i played everyday since i made my character.
Something doesn't match

December 9th, 2012, 16:48
I haven´t noticed that bug in my char. I just have checked it right now, and everything is OK. 49 days played and 49 consecutive days too.

I have also checked your char and you´re right... there´s a 7 day difference... maybe is because you´re playing SINCE the first day?

December 9th, 2012, 17:27
I've been playing everyday, at least twice a day since the 1st or 2nd day

December 10th, 2012, 03:45
I have been looking at this and I did not found any mistakes in the code, and every player stats seems to be ok. If this was a mistake, it bug an isolated one, but I am convinced it was not a bug.

Maybe the reason of this was the different time zone of you and the server (5 hours of difference). Maybe you played every day (of your days) but you didn't played one of the server's day. For instance, you log in the game at your 6pm (18h), which is 11pm (23h) in the server. Both times, yours and server's, are day "1". Next day, you log in the game at your 8pm (20h) in your day "2", but with the difference in hours, it is 1am in day "3" of the server! So from the server point of view, you didn't play on day "2" and restart the count of consecutive days.

As Flame suggested, we could show the "server's time" in the game, so people could avoid this sort of issues with the time zones. Devs team will deliberate about it, and this will be having in mind.