View Full Version : I don't understand the calculation of my size

February 5th, 2013, 05:32
In my followers screen says that I have a size of 69 and in my party screen only 66.
Also, my companions party have more size than me, when I had before more size than all they. I don't understand! Explain me please

February 5th, 2013, 07:01
My pleasure :)
It's because one of the changes that we announced for the squad. Instead just the sum of the levels of every squad member, now the followers in the squad add only one tenth of their stats and consequently, a tenth of their levels to your size. You may mouseover the "Size" label on your followers screen to bring up this information.
If your size has been decreased more than your companions, it must be because your size was based more in your followers (which size contribution has been decreased) and your companions' size were based more on their own level which is still being counted straight to the size.

If the size shown at the followers screen doesn't match with the party screen, seeing the amounts your are providing, must be due to the rounding of the fractions. I will review it more deeply, thank you very much for calling my attention onto it.

February 5th, 2013, 13:04
Actually Alex I think there are some issues with refreshing here. Last night my size in my party was exactly equal to my own level, there was no contribution from the followers in my squad. My other party members still showed at sizes equal to their own levels + 100% of their squad levels. After we ran an adventure the sizes all seemed to adjust to the correct amount, player level + 10% of the levels in his/her squad.