View Full Version : In Battle Timer

February 5th, 2013, 14:45
I'm consistently told that the data for this round has been submitted at the 5 second mark. Is this supposed to happen? How long do we actually have to make our attack?

February 6th, 2013, 06:33
If the system told you that the action was submitted, the action will be executed. You may sumbmit actions while the timer is not up, but communicating with the server need an unknown amount of time –depending on both, your connection and the server's conecction at that time.– If your query didn't reach the server at time, then the system will message you that your action could not be sumbitted for the current turn. However this may ocurr also just for a fail in the conection. If you still have time, try to submit it again. When we have a chance, we will enhance this with automatic re-submits.